For each item that we would like to purchase, there must be a way for us to return the purchase order if the item is not received. In BMO Online Inventory System, you are enabled to return the purchase order.
Below is a simple guide on how to return a purchase order.
1. Go to Vendor > Purchase Order > Purchase Order List to view a list of purchase order.
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2. In this Purchase Order List page, you are able to view a list of purchase that you have ordered. Under Purchase Order List, select a purchase order that you would like to return and click on action > Return to return the purchase order.
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3. A confirmation message would appear to confirm with you on returning the purchase order. Click on OK if you have confirm to return that purchase order.
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4. After clicking OK, you will be redirect to a page which requires you to fill in the purchase return information. If you would like to return only a partial item, enter the number of item that you would like to return by filling in the quantity under Qty column. Click on Save to return the purchase order.
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5. A notification message will appear to inform you that the item have been successfully listed in the Purchase Return List.
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6. Very quickly, you will be redirected to a page where the information that has been saved earlier is added and listed in Purchase Return List.